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Latest Work

This page contains the latest work from Jules Bryant. He is a prolific producer of material and the selection will be updated on a regular basis. Follow on Twitter to be notified when new pieces have been posted.

Collaboration with Digital Visual Artist Shanali Perera: When skies are grey

This piece is inspired by the wonderful artwork from Shanali Perera. Please check out her important work at
The piece is constructed from found sounds recorded using contact microphones on my home central heating system (pipes, radiators and boiler). These sounds are then manipulated using audio effects to create a piece empathetic to the artwork.

Sound Art and the stigma of suicide ideation

The most recent piece of work (working title of The 75%) explores the subject of male suicide ideation and are conducted under the banner of The Blue Penguin Collective. A collection of works looking at the ratio of male to female suicide in the UK have been displayed around Blackpool and Preston raising awareness of the subject and challenging the stigma of suicide.

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Day 2
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Day 12

The 12 days of Christmas

Over 6000 people die by suicide in the UK each year. 75% of them are men. Challenge the stigma of suicide ideation, ask ‘are you okay?’ Be the one who makes a difference.

Are you Okay? -  A piece for World Suicide Prevention Day

This was a 'The Blue Penguin Collective' project for World Suicide Prevention Day 10th Sept 2016. This project started with a recording of the World Service News at 00:00am on 10th Sept. Video and audio tracks were created during the day and the final video project generated and posted across social media outlets.


We can all make a difference by asking 'Are you okay?' 
Challenge the stigma around suicide and start the dialogue it just may save a life.


An experimental album inspired by the artwork from the very talented Simon Botterill. His latest work is a growing collection of artworks exploring conveying emotions and ideas using geometric shapes, bold colour and simple forms. These have been used as inspiration during my experimentation with new compositional techniques and studio equipment. The combination of the visual and audio work demonstrates the artistic exploration by 2 artists in 2 different fields, and results in a collection that captures the evolution of the practice by each artist.

Sounds of the Underworld

This piece was written in response to a call for work for the Mayfest event in Bristol. This responded to the call for sounds taken from our everyday and manipulated into something new.

It uses found sounds which are layered, slowed and delay effects applied. The underlying sounds can occasionally be heard, creating an eerie almost ghost like soundscape.

The sounds are taken from walking around Lytham, Lancashire and include cars, pedestrians, dogs and a fun fair are used in this soundscape.


Another piece inspired by the work of artist Janet Hartley.

The pieces uses a series of sounds from News and shopping channels combined with vocal effects and processes.


Continuing my research practice into interpreting visual art through sound I wrote 'Wired' to accompany the painting (shown below) by Janet Hartley. The artwork has been interpreted as exploring the working of the brain through neurons firing which has in-turn been reflected in the sounds and building of the piece.


The instrumentation used is the Korg Volca Bass, with the piece being constructed in Ableton Live using looped clips that constanly change phase with each other.

All works can be found on Soundcloud

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